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GLASSY WONDERS Posters Vol. 1-3

€ 8,00Preis

GLASSY WONDERS Posters Vol. 1-3

The posters series (1-3) introduces over 200 types of natural glasses (volcanic and impact origin) and shows the spectrum and diversity of natural glasses on our planet and in our galaxy. In addition to impact glasses such as moldavite, indochinite… all types of tektites, impact breccias, shatter cones, etc., this also includes volcanic glass, such as obsidian, as well as glasses that were formed by lightning strikes (fulgurite) or human influence (nuclear glass). The GLASSY WONDERS posters can be admired on the interior walls of your home, in your office, shop, as an eye catcher at a mineral fair or as a display material for schools. The poster can be used as a collector's item as it is a very limited edition of 200 copies.

Format: DIN A1 (59.4 × 84.1 cm)

Edition: Exclusive limited edition of 200 copies.

Publisher: Der Konterfei 079, Vienna, 2024

The GLASSY WONDERS posters are for sale.

Each 8 € plus shipping.

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